Trust a Harvard Trained Physician
For your comprehensive health care using Functional Medicine and Integrative Health practices, natural herbs, supplements and bio-identical hormone therapy.
Natural Health, Natural Medicine
Dr. Roya Kohani is an Associate Professor of Medicine, currently an Adjunct Professor at UCSD School of Medicine. A graduate of Harvard Medical School and Georgetown Hospitals, she is fellowship-trained in Integrative Medicine by Dr. Andrew Weil and has many years of experience in Functional Medicine, Nutrition and Botanical Medicine.
Hormone Replacement Therapy
Women wishing to start Hormone Replacement Therapy should carefully discuss the benefits and risks of treatment with their doctor to see what is right for them and taking into account their age, medical history, risk factors including family history of Breast, Ovarian or Uterine cancer and personal preferences.
For the majority of women who use HRT for the short-term treatment of symptoms of the menopause, the benefits of treatment should always outweigh the risks. Every patient has to be carefully evaluated and their individual risks needs to be assessed.
No HRT is without risks, any form of estrogen and progesterone be it plant based or synthetic can potentially increase risks of breast cancer, ovarian cancer and endometrial cancer in certain individuals. Therefore the use of HRT is not recommended for everyone and we have to always carefully individualize its use.
News, Blogs, Videos & Articles
Dr Kohani and RevivaMed provides insightful information, articles on Dr. Kohani’s interviews, videos and much more!